Organic apple growing without pesticides
The history of Juliet® organic apples
Many fruit growers discovered Juliet® and decided to convert their entire farms to organic farming.
For the record, Juliet® plants are planted during the winter. To encourage rooting, the trees are tied up as soon as they are planted. They are then watered thoroughly. For several years, the Juliet® plant will not produce; the grower will shape the apple trees.
In spring, the trees flower and are pollinated by bees. To do this, the growers provide beehives around the apple trees.
Juliet® is more than just an organic apple, it's a whole range of juices, delicious sparkling drinks, cider, compotes and a gourd of puree with no added sugar. To be enjoyed without moderation, but above all with relish.
Treating Juliet® organic apples without pesticides
As presented by Guilhem Severac, technician at the Vaucluse Chamber of Agriculture, in the YouTube video "Juliet the organic apple presentation (short version)", a net has been installed in the orchards to prevent codling moths from laying eggs on the plants. The codling moth is the apple worm. It is a moth that lays its eggs, and the larvae then penetrate the fruit. The net we use will therefore avoid any insecticide treatment throughout the season. It will also protect against hail and bird damage. These nets are closed after pollination, and reopened just before picking the beautiful Juliet® apples.
To limit the development of weeds, no treatment is used - they are removed by special machines.
There are other organic treatments for apple trees, such as the use of copper and sulphur to replace fungicides, as well as mineral oils.
The Juliet® organic apple route
Regular work by Juliet® growers will give the apple trees their final shape. Once the blossoms have fertilised, the growers will finish off by hand thinning to limit the load on the tree, so as to obtain a quality apple. Of course, all this is done without treatment...
Juliet® apples are harvested in October, before maturity analyses are carried out. These enable us to harvest at the optimum stage. Once the apples have been picked, they are sorted to separate those destined for processing. The Juliet® apples are then transported to the packing stations.
On arrival, each batch is graded and an apple sample is analysed by an independent laboratory.
The apples are stored in a refrigerator at 2 to 3 degrees Celsius. The Juliet® apples are then sorted and packed at packing stations approved by the "Friends of Juliet®" association.
A set of specifications applied to all these packing stations, drawn up in accordance with rigorous criteria, will guarantee all consumers a Juliet® apple of consistent quality, whatever its packaging.
The "Friends of Juliet®" association
The Juliet® apple is a naturally disease-resistant organic apple. There are now 190 growers in the "les amis de Juliet®" association, where the Juliet® variety is grown organically for the pleasure of consumers and with respect for the environment.
Juliet® growers are grouped together in the association "les amis de Juliet®" created on 18 May 2005. The annual general meeting is linked to a board of directors which meets several times a year to monitor the campaign, the development of Juliet® plantations and technical coordination.